Gloucester Triumph Sports Six Club

This page is dedicated to restorations that have been done, are being done, are waiting to be done.....the knowledge, spare parts, help, support and tea 

that is available within this group is amazing ........ most of us have been there, done that, and thanks to Vicky have the tee shirt.......

         Marcus' Mark 3 just waiting for action.. 

         Little bit of a face lift on Kermit........



Vince's Spitfire which he had abandoned ........... quite a restoration job on his  hands......


Richard & Nicci's GT6 under restoration 

Bought a new boot lid to replace the fiberglass one, but the colour match is not good.... 

              Spencer's new project

 And here we have more of a rolling restoration

            Lots and lots of shiny bits


Some people want standard, some do a few modifications......we love them all......


        The Making of 'Le Ferrero Rocher'..... 

     Some restorations never get started........


   The Start from which 'Kermit' emerged...


           A Plan coming together.......


        Help & advice is always offered on                'Alternative' projects........ 

First step ....... Buy a car (circa 1986) & have lots of fun, drive it like you stole it.... 

              Take it to bits, wow ........ 

               Hey, that's all white....... 

      Strong engine, just waking up........ 

   Got to get back to a smooth complexion .....


     All there, just needs fine tuning......


Black internal boot..should be red, whilst we have the paint out.... 


                  Plenty of scope here......

         .............and it will keep rolling 


             Give it plenty of fuel...... 

           Is Grey the best colour? 

   Some never get finished (before driving!) 

           Front Suspension 

   Bonnet.....ah yes need one of those as well.


            Wide Variety of 'experience' .....



Ah...... (circa 1990) ran out of road.......

Back to basics, bare metal make sure all that rot is cut out. 

              The Go Faster bit.......



   Keen mechanics ready to go........ 

         ......... Going to look pretty


Upon completion (on the Spitfire page) he made a fabulous job of it and has had a great deal of fun in it since..... 

         Maybe a bit of metal required....



All shiney & done, wow... hum just got to put the badges & letters on now.!!


 A bit of love & some T-Cut & all will be well

                      and rolling



            It's going to be quick......

Ah ...... it is a spitfire underneath all of that....!!! Looking forward to seeing it out and about.....


   Ah..... two seater, low slung & red....... 

But don't struggle thinking you'll join us when

it's finally on the road, there are spares, 

sympathy, the best suppliers recommended 

or just a spare pair of hands to do some lifting.  

Come along will be welcome..

Gas flowed, lightened, balanced, fast road things added, with Hi Torque bits .......hum this is a car to drive. 



From 'problem' starting to full restoration, there is plenty of help on hand.........


Generally abuse it, treat 'em mean keep 'em keen!!! Lots of wind, rain & snow.....always adds to it...So you can spend lots of money on it when you decide you can't bear to sell it....

But I didn't want a red one........oh yes that's primer.... it like you stole it....again......!!!! 

Owned 27 years, love it, love it, love it. Smiles per mile.  1 complete re-build, 2 re-spays, 3 different bonnets, 5 new sills, couple of engine re-builds, 1 new overdrive, 1 heavy right foot. Well over 100,000 miles....... One careful lady owner (never been raced or rallied).